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Time:2022-05-03 Views:605
affected by the epidemic
Let us know more about gratitude and appreciation
When Labor Day meets Mother‘s Day
Let‘s pay tribute to the laborers together and thank Mother‘s Day
Favorite thing to do as a child
just grow up
What do you want to do when you grow up
I want my mother to grow old
Once upon a time, mother was our umbrella and safe haven
Now we are grown up
in the next days
For us to take good care of mother
And love needs to be expressed in action
This double festival is coming
Belle Smart helps you send your heart to your mother
When Labor Day meets Mother‘s Day, the gifts are endless!
Beller Smart has prepared the following welfare activities:
hi hi together
Good benefits are so capricious
1. Tweet the circle of friends and collect likes
Rules: Retweet the tweet to the circle of friends. Anyone who accumulates 88 will be given a massage and hammer gift worth 99 yuan. Friends who have reached the number of likes, please take a screenshot to our customer service staff, and we will contact you as soon as possible. .
2. Limited special price spike
Time-limited spike
Click the link below to enter the special zone
Rules: The time is 20:00-21:00 in the evening, and the event will launch a spike product every day
3. Overvalued group activities
2 people can form a group
4. Explosive money full reduction activities
$20 off on orders over $200
$50 off on orders over $400
$200 off on orders over $1,000
$800 off for purchases over $4,000
5. The massage chair package is matched, and the "price" activity is released in two festivals
Package 1: Buy ** massage chair + 508 yuan, you can give away a massage chair worth ** yuan. One for mother, one for mother-in-law
(To make a massage chair package with a poster, you need to make 2 sizes, one horizontal and one vertical)
6. Mother‘s Day Special Edition, Belle Zhen Ai Limited Gift Box
(only 88 copies)
Bring this lovely gift
Say to your mother "Mom, you have worked hard, I love you"
Let all labor pay off
Let all love be expressed in time
Belle Smart Health Life Museum
happy labor day friends
Happy Mother‘s Day to all moms!