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Which massage chair is suitable for young people? Supporting policies for investment attraction and alliance of Beile Smart

Time:2022-11-17 Views:301
In the prosperous world, we are walking in the tunnel of time. At present, people‘s living standards are constantly improving, and they will also pursue a better quality of life. And sitting on the massage chair to enjoy the massage can bring a new experience. So, which massage chair is suitable for young people? Supporting policies for investment promotion and alliance of Beile Smart?
Busy at work, accompanied by pressure. After coming home from work, I want to lie on the massage chair and enjoy the comfort brought by the massage. This time is my own relaxation moment.
Beile fully automatic kneading vitality orange massage chair BL-SL120A is suitable for young people. In terms of appearance design, the color combination is orange red+champagne, which attracts young people‘s attention at once. At the same time, it can also directly use the LCD touch screen.
In addition, the hydrolysis resistant PU leather of this massage chair is tasteless and wear-resistant. As a 4D manipulator, positioning gears are added to the movement, and the front and back can be retracted by 13cm. The SL type guide rail can realize various massage techniques such as kneading, finger pressing, slapping, kneading and hammering simultaneously. There are also four air bags for squeezing massage on the shoulder, and double row large air bag wave massage on the arm.
In terms of supporting policies for investment promotion and alliance of Beile Smart, the headquarters will also have a large amount of money to support the opening of stores, and have a professional team to output the whole case, so as to realize the worry free opening of stores. The headquarters will also provide one-to-one support for the location of the store. For ordinary marketing activities, the headquarters will provide operation plans, which can greatly improve the efficiency of the store.
Beile Smart Massage Chair Headquarters will also lay out offline entity Ai Smart Health Experience Hall, and establish a new big health business model linked with Internet plus+cloud service+entity "thousands of cities and thousands of stores": spread health concepts, cover terminal families, and the future market will reach 10 billion.
Which massage chair is suitable for young people? Supporting policies for investment promotion and alliance of Beile Smart? Relevant information is introduced. If you want to know more about the massage chair or have the intention to join, please call the consulting service hotline!