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Advantages of Belove · AI Massage Health Experience Hall? Supporting policies?

Time:2022-10-12 Views:334
In the new era of healthy life, pay attention to the development of the big health industry. Massage chair, as a kind of intelligent household appliance for enjoyment, has entered the lives of ordinary people. People‘s demand for massage chairs is growing, so the advantages of Belove · AI Massage Health Experience Hall? Supporting policies?
On the road of entrepreneurship, we should find the right direction for the development of the times. Massage chair is a combination of traditional Chinese massage techniques, and can also achieve intelligent detection, making life more intelligent. Start your business when it‘s time to do so and seize every opportunity.
About the advantages of Belove · AI Massage Health Experience Hall? Supporting policies? Let‘s take a look:
1. As a grassroots medical member of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, Beile Intelligent has long been committed to providing semiconductor chip technology services and establishing a leading sealed test platform for various types of intelligent sensors; In 2019, it was successfully listed in Guangdong Equity Trading Center with the stock code of 880378.
2. In terms of the support policy for the investment promotion and alliance of Beile Smart, the company will also support the opening of stores with a large amount of money, have a professional team, and output the whole case, so as to realize the worry free opening of stores. The headquarters will also provide one-to-one support for the location of the store. For ordinary marketing activities, the headquarters will provide operation plans, which can greatly improve the efficiency of the store.
3. We will become better and better ourselves by keeping our love for the things we focus on and our determination for the future. Our company designs, develops and produces independently. We have our own appearance patent and technology patent.
4. In response to the country‘s positive recommendation for the development of the big health industry, Belle has laid out offline entity Ai smart health experience hall, and established a new big health business model linked with the Internet+cloud services+entity "thousands of cities and thousands of stores": spread the health concept, cover terminal families, and the future market can reach 10 billion.
These are the advantages of Belove · AI Massage Health Experience Hall? Supporting policies? Relevant information is introduced. If you want to know more about the joining of massage chairs, please call the consulting service hotline.