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I also have some experience sharing the experience of choosing a smart massage chair

Time:2022-03-02 Views:764
I worked hard before and never considered buying a massage product. Because I have to sit in front of the computer for a long time, I gradually discovered that there is also a problem with the cervical spine, and I occasionally feel sore. Then, I also have some experience sharing the experience of choosing a smart massage chair.
I didn‘t care at first, until later, the pain lasted for a long time, and sometimes it was a little numb. So I can‘t bear to go to the hospital to see a Chinese medicine doctor. The hospital is full of people, and the waiting time is long. The doctor gave me acupuncture and massage, and also prescribed some medicine.
Migrant workers need to go to work, and the queue to go to the hospital is long. Later, I browsed the circle of friends and saw that my friend bought a smart massage chair and put it at home, so that you can easily enjoy massage at any time.
Later, I learned that the smart massage chair is multi-functional, has a large range of massage, and can also choose fixed-point massage according to needs. I also checked the relevant information and found that massage has been used from ancient times to the present. It requires persistence and has certain benefits for health.
So I chose massage chairs from various aspects, looked at many brands, and analyzed them from the perspective of cost performance. The brands I look at include Rongtai, Rongkang, Belle Smart, Aojiahua, etc.
I saw the physical store of Belle Smart Massage Hall near my home, so I went in and experienced the massage of the product. Later, I learned that the BL-190 Belle Fashion Smart Home Massage Chair has a strengthening type for the neck, which suits me very well. demand.
There are also basic massage function modes, and the back of the massage chair also has a warming function, especially in winter, to bring you a sense of warmth, as well as the Bluetooth music function, which can play my favorite music, which is basically there.
It turns out that the massage chair that meets your needs is the most important, and the choice is not too tangled. If you want to know more about massage chairs, please feel free to call our service hotline.